SOLD They Go Down Easy • 6x6 oil painting on panel
Inspired by my son’s love for Macarons, this stack of colorful treats against a vibrant striped fabric were both fun and a challenge to paint. I did wonder while painting what was I thinking, but the result was worth it.
6x6 oil painting on panel
Even though these paintings are calorie free, viewing this Mosaic Sweet Tooth collection for too long might tempt you to get something sugary today. But don’t worry, we all secretly feel the same about these tempting treats and find ourselves sneaking a little something-something when no one’s looking. This collection of paintings is an indulgent splash of sugar and color celebrating everyone’s favorite New Year’s Resolution ruiners. So put your dentist on speed dial and indulge in this eye candy at your own risk.
Inspired by my son’s love for Macarons, this stack of colorful treats against a vibrant striped fabric were both fun and a challenge to paint. I did wonder while painting what was I thinking, but the result was worth it.
6x6 oil painting on panel
Even though these paintings are calorie free, viewing this Mosaic Sweet Tooth collection for too long might tempt you to get something sugary today. But don’t worry, we all secretly feel the same about these tempting treats and find ourselves sneaking a little something-something when no one’s looking. This collection of paintings is an indulgent splash of sugar and color celebrating everyone’s favorite New Year’s Resolution ruiners. So put your dentist on speed dial and indulge in this eye candy at your own risk.
Inspired by my son’s love for Macarons, this stack of colorful treats against a vibrant striped fabric were both fun and a challenge to paint. I did wonder while painting what was I thinking, but the result was worth it.
6x6 oil painting on panel
Even though these paintings are calorie free, viewing this Mosaic Sweet Tooth collection for too long might tempt you to get something sugary today. But don’t worry, we all secretly feel the same about these tempting treats and find ourselves sneaking a little something-something when no one’s looking. This collection of paintings is an indulgent splash of sugar and color celebrating everyone’s favorite New Year’s Resolution ruiners. So put your dentist on speed dial and indulge in this eye candy at your own risk.