This lush Upstate New York landscape is inspired by the hope of restoration in Psalm 23.
12×16 original painting on panel
Framed with high quality solid wood molding
Features gold/bronze accents with paint crafted in Germany
Fitted with gray paper backing, hanging wire and wall protecting rubber bumpons
Arrives ready to hang
This lush Upstate New York landscape is inspired by the hope of restoration in Psalm 23.
12×16 original painting on panel
Framed with high quality solid wood molding
Features gold/bronze accents with paint crafted in Germany
Fitted with gray paper backing, hanging wire and wall protecting rubber bumpons
Arrives ready to hang
This lush Upstate New York landscape is inspired by the hope of restoration in Psalm 23.
12×16 original painting on panel
Framed with high quality solid wood molding
Features gold/bronze accents with paint crafted in Germany
Fitted with gray paper backing, hanging wire and wall protecting rubber bumpons
Arrives ready to hang
“He makes me lie down in green pastures… He restores my soul”
Psalm 23
This is what He does and this is who He is. He Heals, makes new, rewrites, holds together, turns everything for good, saves. He restores our souls and gives refreshment in desolate places. If we will just allow Him to be our source, He will sustain. “but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.” Psalm 1:2-3
When we choose to delight in Him, we are restored.
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