Sweet Tooth
A tempting collection debuting in the Mosaic 2023 Group Exhibit
November 3rd - December 15th
Even though these paintings are calorie free, viewing this Mosaic Sweet Tooth collection for too long might tempt you to get something sugary today. But don’t worry, we all secretly feel the same about these tempting treats and find ourselves sneaking a little something-something when no one’s looking. This collection of paintings is an indulgent splash of sugar and color celebrating everyone’s favorite New Year’s Resolution ruiners. So put your dentist on speed dial and indulge in this eye candy at your own risk. (I’m so sorry… I promise I’ll paint vegetables next year!)
Purchasing Information:
*This is a limited time special pricing for 171 Cedar Arts Center’s annual fundraiser and all paintings will remain unframed. After the exhibit closes, all paintings will revert to Rebecca’s regular price point which will then include a frame.
• In Person: Visit 171 Cedar Arts Center at 171 Cedar Street Corning, NY
• Over the Phone**: Call 171 Cedar Arts at 607-936-4647
• Online**: Purchases may be made through 171 Cedar Art’s website.
**New Out of State Policies: if you live out of state and plan to purchase paintings from 171 Cedar Arts and will need the painting shipped, you will need to tell 171 that you authorize Rebecca to take your painting(s) off 171 premises and ship to you. Due to 171’s non-profit status, shipping out of state and following tax laws for all individual states has become not possible for 171 at this time. We apologize for this change. Rebecca will be in contact with you at the end of the exhibit to discuss prefered shipping methods and charges.
Contact Rebecca with any questions you may have.